Started ProductionDecember 2016
Duration1 week
Tool UsedNotepad++
RolesWeb Developer, UI/UX Designer
This site uses whatever text you give it and calculates a number based on that. Each character you fill in carries a value which is then added up and used to determine what font and colours it will display. This means that if you fill in the same piece of text the site will look exactly the same. Changing even one character could result in the entire site looking different.It is an easy way to display a short piece of text or quote on the entire screen, which can then be shared. The fun kicks in when you try to rephrase what you are trying to say in different ways, just so you can get the visuals to be more appealing.
Wouldn't it be easier to be able to change the font and colours yourself? Eh, while very possible it doesn't have the same appeal to it for me. The magic to me comes from it automatically calculating what the site's properties should be based on your input, turning it into something unexpected.
Try it out for yourself at