Started ProductionJune 2017
Duration3 weeks
Tools UsedGIT, Notepad++
RolesWeb Developer, UI/UX Designer
I apologise for the name, you're perfectly fine with the life you have. The name 'Get a Life' is a quick way to bring the message across. You click a button which generates a baby that is born in a country somewhere on Earth in 2015. Considering other names could have been 'Baby Maker', 'Baby Creator', or 'Baby Generator' I am happy with the name I chose.Back to the project. On this site, you can generate a new life by clicking the big green button which will then pick a random number between two numbers. The lowest number being
and the highest being ((country birth rate/1000)*country population)
for each country combined. In other words, the expected amount of babies to be born in each country for 2015 combined. By generating a random number between these two values the site determines what country your baby is from.It is also possible to name your newly generated baby. While on the site, you can also see a list of the latest babies as well as your personal list.
Try it out for yourself at