What I do
As a UI/UX designer, I create wireframes and mockups that match the needs of the product while keeping the user experience in mind. Using Adobe Photoshop, I construct mockups close to the final product, which allows me to apply feedback early in development.
In addition to understanding the principles of good UI/UX design, I also have the technical knowledge to turn these into a reality using my experience in front-end site development and Unreal UMG, including blueprinting.
In addition to understanding the principles of good UI/UX design, I also have the technical knowledge to turn these into a reality using my experience in front-end site development and Unreal UMG, including blueprinting.
Have been involved in web development for 3+ years
Managed a game server for 5+ years, reaching over 100,000 users
Created my portfolio site from scratch
Created and managed a verified Discord server
Tell tear-ible puns